
Basically, this blog is for all my test results and stuff... Weird, I know, but I think it's rather practical considering the number of tests I take. Oh well, have fun and follow my links!
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
The Promised Land
All you long for is a brighter future. You know it's awaiting you, somewhere, someday, everything will be perfect. You cherish your youth and strongly feel that actions speak louder than words, and you're also usually the one to skip ahead of the group and lead your peers on your own path, the exact direction you want things to go in. These are your golden years, and you're determined to go out and make your dreams come true!
Which Final Fantasy Theme Song Is YOUR Theme?

Sounds like me, yes… but a bit too positive.

Eyes On Me
It all started with you, baby! A timeless classic, you were the first of the Final Fantasy hit pop songs! You're a hopeless romanic, although you can be a bit shy at times. You're beauty shines inside and out, and you also have an enigmatic air in the eyes of people who don't know you well. If you already have a significant other you cherish them above everything else, and if not then your passion for life lies within music. You're the type to develope secret crushes, but hardly have the nerve to confront them. You will someday though!
Which Final Fantasy Theme Song Is YOUR Theme?

Cheated yet again… *grins* What? It’s my favorite song!

which godess are you? brought to you by unknown brushes

which godess are you? brought to you by unknown brushes

You are an organized and mature person who is talented in many things even though you're still quite young. Your patience only stretches so far but you are tolerant of others most of the time. You're usually the one who holds the group together and make sure people stay on track.

Which Gravitation Character Are YOU?
Take the quiz at Dare to Dream

Okay… But I really wanted this one:

You are a solumn, stubborn, calm and quiet person who displays attraction towards hyper and genki people. You tend to hide your inner and true feelings and prefer to use verbal irony instead of being direct. You are good at what you do but when it comes to love, you couldn't be less clueless. XD

Which Gravitation Character Are YOU?
Take the quiz at Dare to Dream

Okay, I sort of cheated on this one…

Duo Maxwell
You really need to be more serious,bub

Which Gundam Wing character are you ?
brought to you by Quizilla

*sniffs* I suppose even mages of the Black Order are human…

Raistlin and Chrysania- humans.
What Dragonlance Race are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Well, of course I’m an emotional wreck! It just isn’t so obvious…

Emotional Wreck. You are extremely emotional. You
feel contentment moreso than happiness and your
emotional lows are to the extreme. You need to
cheer up and start enjoying your life. Where
there is rain there is a rainbow and you need
to see it more than others. Do something that
makes you happy.

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay… So I got him…

Way to go, your alter poet is Jack Kerouac, who is
by FAR the coolest!

Who is Your Alter Poet?
brought to you by Quizilla


You are Mary Bell.
You are Mary Bell. At the ripe old age of 10 you
strangled a neighbor boy, afterwhich you carved
your initals into his skin. At his funreal you
laughed. Your next victim was a 3 year old. You
pushed him off the roof, resulting in a broken
skull. After he was found you went to his
mothers house and asked to see him, she replied
tha t he was dead. You smiled brightly and said
'Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in
his coffin."
You horrid little girl you.
-smacks your hand-

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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